код 1 Cup to Oz - Calculatorology

1 Cup to Oz

1 Cup


8 oz

1 Cup to Oz

There are different conversion standards used when converting the volume in one cup (c) to an ounce (Oz). The Cup to Ounces calculator is used to perform conversions from cups to ounces. Use the blank text field to enter the volume in cups and then click the ‘Convert' button to give you the results in fluid ounces. It is important to note that there are different measurements of cups and fluid ounces. The conversion result may vary depending on the standard used in conversion.

Cup to Oz Conversion


How many ounces in one cup?

The volume units' conversion factor of cups to ounces are listed below;

US recipes - cups to ounces

1 US cup (236.59mL) = 8 US fluid ounces

1 US cup (236.59mL) = 8.327 UK fluid ounces

This means that there are 8 US fluid ounces in one US cup and 8.327 UK fluid ounces in one US cup.

Old UK recipes - cups to ounces

1 UK cup (284.13mL) = 10 UK fluid ounces

1 UK cup (284.13mL) = 9.607 US fluid ounces

There are 10 UK fluid ounces in one UK cup and 9.607 US fluid ounces in one UK cup.

Rest of world recipes

1 international metric cup (250mL) = 8.454 US fluid ounces

1 international metric cup (250mL) = 8.799 UK fluid ounces

There are 8.454 US fluid ounces in one International metric cup and 8.799 UK fluid ounces in one US cup.

You can also use two quick reference conversion tables to determine the number of fluid ounces in a cup. The first uses the US standard customary cup while the second uses the UK imperial cup.


A cup is a volume unit in the US customary and metric system abbreviated as "c". There are 8 fluid ounces in one US cup.

A fluid ounce is a volume unit in the US customary and imperial systems abbreviated as "fl. Oz."