код Acres to Square Mile - Calculatorology

Acres to Square Mile

1 Acre


0.0015625 Square Miles

Acres to Square Mile (How many square miles in a acre?)

It is an area conversion calculator that is used to convert Acres (ac) to square miles (mi2). It is programmed with a single text field and a ‘Convert' button that initiates the conversion process. To use the calculator, enter the value in acres in the blank text field and then click on the ‘Convert' button to get the results in Square miles.

For example;

Convert 5 acres to square miles


Enter the acre value 5 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The result in square miles will be displayed as; 0.0078125 Square Miles.

Therefore, 5 Acres = 0.0078125 Square Miles.

Acres to Square Miles Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into sq miles and click on the "convert" button.

How many square miles in an acre?

The area units' conversion factor for Acres to Square miles is 0.0015625. To find out how many square miles are in an acre, we multiply the value in acres by the conversion factor. Alternatively, you can use the acre to square miles conversion calculator to obtain quick conversion results.

1 Acre = 0.0015625 Square Miles

This means that there are 0.0015625 square miles in one acre.

To determine the number of square miles in an acre, you multiply the value in acres by 0.0015625 (conversion factor).

For example

How many square miles are there on 5 acres?


You will multiply the value in acres (5) by the conversion factor (0.0015625)


= 5 x 0.0015625

= 0.0078125 Square miles.

This means that there are 0.0078125 Square miles on 5 acres. 


An acre is US customary and an imperial unit of area measurement abbreviated as "ac" in the International System of units (SI). One acre is equal to 0.0015625 square miles, 43560 square feet, and 0.00404686 square kilometers. International acre is the common unit of measurement used in the US and other countries around the world. However, the most fundamental use of an acre is to measure tracts of land. Once acre is described as exactly 4046.856 square meters.

A Square mile is both an imperial and a US customary unit abbreviated as "mi2" or "sq. mi". It is equal to 259 hectares, 640 acres, and 2.59 square kilometers. It can also be described as the area of the square having a side length of one dictate mile. Square miles should not be confused by miles square since they are used differently. Miles square refers to a square region whose sides have a specified length.