код BHP to KW Conversion - Calculatorology

BHP to KW Conversion

BHP to Kilowatts Converter

Result in kilowatts: kW

BHP to KW Conversion

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the power in brake horsepower (BHP) to power in Kilowatts (kW). The first step of using this converter is to enter the value of BHP in the blank text field. It has a ‘Convert' button that launches the conversion from BHP to Kilowatts. Click this button to display the result in Kilowatts below the two controls at the bottom panel of the calculator. It gives you accurate results based on the input values in the blank text field.

Use the ‘Reset' button if you want to carry out further calculations. It is used to adjust the calculator by erasing all the previous data with a single click.


Convert 80 BHP to power in Kilowatts


First, enter the BHP value into the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The results in Kilowatts will be displayed as; 59.65598976 kW.

The same procedure can be repeated when using new values in BHP. The efficiency of this calculator is enhanced by the ‘Reset' button and is useful when you are performing a number of conversions.

Formula for Converting BHP to KW

1 hp = 745.699872 W = 0.745699872 kW

This means that one BHP is equivalent to 0.745699872 Kilowatts.

Therefore, the power conversion of BHP to kW is given by;

P (kW) = P (hp) x 0.745699872. To determine the power in Kilowatts, we multiply the power in BHP by 0.745699872.

Using the example above;

Convert 80 BHP to power in Kilowatts

The calculation will be;

P (kW) = 80 BHP x 0.745699872

= 59.65598976 Kilowatts (kW)

The BHP to Kilowatts conversion table can also be used to determine the conversion of common values from BHP to Kilowatts based on a scale of 0.1 BHP to 1000 BHP.