Calories to kJ conversion

Calories to Kilojoules (kJ) conversion

Select calorie unit type:
Energy result in kilojoules: kJ

Calories to Kilojoules Conversion

It is used to convert the energy in calories (Cal) to energy in kilojoules (kJ). It is an online calculator which has been programmed to enhance the speed of calculations and accuracy of the results. Begin by choosing the unit type of calories before entering the energy in calories. Click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the calculation. The results in kilojoules will be displayed below the two button controls. If you want to select another unit type of calories or enter new values, the ‘Reset' button will be useful in clearing all the text fields.

Formula of converting thermochemical calories to kilojoules

E (kJ) = E (Cal-th) / 239.005736, where the energy in kilojoules is computed by dividing the power in thermochemical calories by 239.005736.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal-th = 0.004184 kJ or

1 kJ = 239.005736 Cal-th

For example;
If the energy in thermochemical calories is 250 Cal-th, find the energy in kilojoules

E (kJ) = E (Cal-th) / 239.005736

= 250 Cal-th / 239.005736 = 1.046 kilojoules (kJ)

Converting 15° C Calories to kilojoules

E (kJ) = E (cal15) / 238.9201, which means that the energy in kilojoules is calculated by dividing the energy in 15° C Calories by 238.9201.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal15 = 0.0041855 kJ or

1 kJ = 238.9201 Cal15

For example;
If the energy in 15° C Calories is 250, find the energy in joules.

E (kJ) = E (cal15) / 238.9201

= 250 Cal15 / 238.9201 = 1.046375 kJ

Converting food/ large calories to kilojoules

E (kJ) = 4.184 x E (Cal-th), where the energy in kilojoules is computed by multiplying the energy in large calories by 4.184.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal = 4.184 kJ or

1 kJ = 0.239 Cal

For example;
If the energy in large calories is 250 Cal, find the energy in kilojoules

E (kJ) = 4.184 x E (Cal-th)

= 250 Cal x 4.184 = 1046 kilojoules (kJ)