Central Time Now

Central Time Now

There are different schedules for the Central Time Zone. During the summer months, it is usually referred to as CDT and is 5 hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5). In the winter, it is known as the CST and is an area 6 hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-6). Currently, it has adopted a different schedule. The Daylight Saving Time is usually in effect on the second Sunday in March from 2 A.M. to the first Sunday in November at 2 A.M. The Standard time becomes operational during all other times. The Daylight Saving Time is observed in most regions in Canada and most states in the United States.

However, Saskatchewan, a province in Canada remains on GMT-6 and CST all year as it does not adopt the Daylight Saving Time. The time is often shifted forward by 1 hour during DST to Central Daylight Time which is at GMT-5 i.e. 5 hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time. It is possible to compare different time zones between GMT and Central time by using the GMT Time converter. Central Daylight Time (CDT) is the modified time is UTC-5. Despite the shift in these time zones, Mexico did not incorporate the change and observes their ‘horario de Verano'.