код Cup to Tablespoon - Calculatorology

Cup to Tablespoon

Cups to Tablespoons Conversion


Enter a US cup value that you want to convert into tablespoons and click on the "convert" button.

Cup to Tablespoons (How many tablespoons in a cup?)

The Cup to Tablespoons calculator is used to convert the distance in cups (c) to tablespoons (tbsp). Use the blank text field to enter the value in cups. Press the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion from cup to tablespoons. The conversion result is displayed at the bottom platform of the calculator in tablespoons. Use the ‘Reset' button to erase all data of the previous conversions from the calculator. This converter gives quick and accurate results based on the values you enter in the text field.


Convert 25 cups to tablespoons


First, enter the value in cups (25) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from cup to tablespoons. The conversion result is shown as;

25 cups = 400 tablespoons

This means that there are 400 tablespoons in 25 cups.

Use the same procedure when converting new values in cups to get the corresponding results in tablespoons.

Cup to Tablespoons

How many tablespoons in a cup?

The volume units' conversion factor of cups to tablespoons is 16. However, the results may vary depending on the standard used in the conversion.

1 Cup [US] = 16 Tablespoons [US]

1 Cup [Metric] = 14 Tablespoons [UK]

1 Cup [Metric] = 12.5 Tablespoons [Australia]

This means that there are 16 US tablespoons in one US cup, 14 tablespoons in 1 metric cup and 12.5 Australian tablespoons in one metric cup.

If you want to determine the number of tablespoons in a cup, simply multiply the value in cups by the conversion factor.


A cup is a unit of volume measurement abbreviated as "c". It is used to measure both liquid and dry foods. In both imperial and US customary systems, one cup is equal to a half a pint.

A tablespoon is a volume unit abbreviated as "tbsp". There are 15 milliliters and ½ fluid ounces in one US tablespoon. Australian tablespoons are larger, measuring about 20 milliliters.