Fahrenheit to Kelvin calculation

Fahrenheit to Kelvin calculation

There are two scales involved in the conversion of Fahrenheit to Kelvin. The Fahrenheit scale is mostly used in the United States to determine temperature readings. The Kelvin is an absolute scale that is used in most countries worldwide for scientific calculations. There are numerous methods used in converting temperature from Fahrenheit to Kelvin.

Formula for converting Fahrenheit to Kelvin

0 °F = 255.372 K is the standard principle used in the conversion. Therefore, it means that zero degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 255.372 Kelvins.

Method One

T (K) = {T (°F) + 459.67} x 5/9 is the formula used in converting the temperature readings in Fahrenheit to Kelvin. It implies that the temperature in Kelvin is calculated by adding 459.67 to the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. The result is then multiplied by 5/9 to get the temperature reading in Kelvin.

For example;

Convert 120°F to Kelvin


T (K) = {120°F + 459.67} x 5/9

= 322.03888889 Kelvin

There are other methods that can be used to convert degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin.

Method Two

First, we calculate the temperature in Celsius and then add 273.15 to change it to Kelvin.

T (K) = {T (°F) - 32} x 5/9 +273.15


T (K) = {T (°F) - 32} / 1.8 + 273.15

For example;

Convert 120°F to Kelvin

T (K) = {120°F - 32} x 5/9 +273.15

= 322.03888889 Kelvin

Note that the solution to the above problem has been indicated as 322.03888889 Kelvin. This implies that Kelvin is not expressed in degrees, unlike the other temperature scales. It is an absolute scale which means that it has an end point that remains constant. A scale measured in degrees shows that it references another scale i.e. degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. Kelvin and Fahrenheit are two different scales with different unit sizes.