How many pints in a Liter?

1 Liter


2.11337642 Pints

Liters to Pints (How many pints in a Liter?)

This conversion calculator is used to convert the volume in liters (L) to volume in pints (pt). It has a text field and a control button that performs an independent function of the calculator. The initial step when using this converter is to enter the value in liters in the text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion from liters to pints. This gives you the conversion result in pints, displayed below the control button.


Convert 600 liters to pints


First, enter the value in liters (600) in the blank text field. Click on the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion. The result in pints is displayed as;

600 Liters = 1268.025852 Pints

This implies that there are 1268.025852 Pints in 600 liters.

When performing a new conversion from liters to pints, use the same procedure to give the corresponding values in pints.

This converter gives quick and accurate results depending on the values entered in the text field.

Liters to Pints Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into US pints and click on the "convert" button.

How many pints in a Liter?

The volume units' conversion factor of liters to pints is 2.11337642.

1 Liter = 2.11337642 Pints (Fluid, US)

1 Liter = 1.75975398 Pints (UK)

This means that there are 2.11337642 US fluid pints in one liter and 1.75975398 imperial pints in one liter.

If you want to determine the number of pints in a liter, multiply the value in liters by the conversion factor.


A liter is a unit of volume measurement abbreviated as "L". One liter is equal to 1.816 US dry pints, 2.11 US liquid pints, and 1.76 imperial (UK) pints.

A pint is a unit of volume measurement in the US customary and imperial systems abbreviated as "pt". Both pint and a gallon can be used for dry and fluid measurement in the US customary system. However, such distinction is not present in the imperial system.