код Kelvin to Fahrenheit calculation - Calculatorology

Kelvin to Fahrenheit calculation

Kelvin to Fahrenheit calculation

The Kelvin and degrees Fahrenheit are two different scales that have different unit size. This implies that they use different numbers when showing the temperature reading the fact that both are used to measure temperature. While Kelvin is used in most countries worldwide, degrees Fahrenheit is mostly used in the United States for scientific calculations.

The Kelvin scale is also referred to as a thermodynamic temperature scale. The absolute zero defines a point where all thermal motion ceases and molecules give off no heat.

0 K = -459.67°F is the standard principle used in converting temperature from Kelvin to Fahrenheit. Therefore, zero Kelvin is equivalent to -459.67° Fahrenheit. Kelvin is not expressed in degrees because it is an absolute zero scale.

Formula used in converting Kelvin to Fahrenheit

T (°F) = T (K) x 9/5 – 459.67 is the method used in conversion. It implies that the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is calculated by multiplying the temperature in Kelvins by 9/5. 459.67 is then subtracted from the result to get the temperature reading in Fahrenheit.

For example;

Convert 300 Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit


T (°F) = {300 K x 9/5} – 459.67

= 80.33 °F

The Kelvin scale is based on the experimental evidence that absolute zero is -273.15°C and the definitions of the Centigrade scale. Since Fahrenheit is considered to be a thermodynamic temperature scale, the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure is measured at 212°F. The freezing point of water is at 32° Fahrenheit while in Kelvin, it clicks at -273.15K. The unit size of Fahrenheit places the freezing and boiling points of water exactly 180 degrees apart while the unit size of Kelvin is similar to degrees Celsius with 100 degrees apart. Therefore, absolute zero will be defined as -459.67°F since there is an interval of 1/180 between the freezing point and boiling point of water.