Meters To Feet Conversion

Meters to Feets Conversion

Feet result: ft
Feet+in result:

It is used to convert the values in the meters (m) to feet (ft). This calculator has a single text field where you will enter the value in meters. It is also programmed with three control buttons which perform different functions of the calculator. After you enter the figure in the blank text field, you will click the "Convert" button to execute the conversion. The results will be displayed below the controls indicating the feet, feet + inches and method used in the calculation.

If you want to perform new conversions, you will use the "Reset" button. It is the fastest way you can erase all the previous data from the calculator.

The "Swap" button is used to alternate the flow of calculations so that you can convert the values from feet to meters. This makes the meters to feet converter flexible because of its multipurpose functionality. You can always repeat the same procedure with new values.

For example;

Convert 36 meters to feet.


Enter the value 36 in the blank text field and then click "Convert" button. The results of the conversion will be displayed as;

Feet result: 118.11023622

Feet + in result: 118ft 1.32283464

Calculation: 36m / 0.3048

= 118.11023622ft

Formula of converting meters to feet

1 m = (1 / 0.3048) ft = 3.28084 ft, which means that one meter is equivalent to 3.28084 feet

The distance in feet is calculated by dividing the distance in meters by 0.3048. It can also be indicated as;

D (ft) = d (m) / 0.3048

For example;

Convert 3 meters to feet

D (ft) = 3m / 0.3048 = 9.842519685ft

The meters to feet conversion calculator delivers accurate results in feet depending on the values entered in the text fields. Although you can switch the alignment using the "Swap" button, it can only perform one conversion at a time.