код Pounds to Grams - Calculatorology

Pounds to Grams

Pounds to Grams Conversion

: g

Pounds to Grams

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the weight in pounds (lb) to mass in grams (g). It uses a simple formula in the conversion of pounds to grams and gives accurate results based on the input values. The first procedure of using this converter is to enter the value in pounds in the blank text field. Initiate the conversion by pressing the ‘Convert' button. The conversion result will be shown below the controls in kilograms.

It also indicates the result in kilograms + grams and method used in the conversion of pounds to grams.  If you want to perform new calculations, use the "Reset" button to erase all previous data in the calculator.


Convert 0.5 pounds to grams


First, enter the value in pounds (0.3) in the blank text field. Use the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from pounds to grams. The result will be shown as;

Grams: 226.796185 g

Kilograms + Grams: 0 Kg        226.8 g


= 0.5 lb × 453.59237

= 226.796185 g

How to convert pounds to grams

1 lb = 453.59237 g

This means that one pound is equivalent to 453.59237 grams.

The mass in grams is calculated by multiplying the mass in pounds by 453.59237.

M (g) = M (lb) x 453.59237

Using the example above;

Convert 0.5 pounds to grams

The calculation will be;

M (g) = 0.5 lb x 453.59237

= 226.796185 grams

The same formula is used when converting other values from pounds to grams.

The Pounds to grams conversion table is used in the conversion of common values from pounds to grams on a scale of 0 lb to 1000 lb.

How many grams in a pound?

The weight units' conversion factor of pounds to grams is 453.59237 grams. If you are converting from troy pounds to grams, the conversion factor will be 373.2417216 grams.

1 Pounds= 453.59237 Grams

1 Troy Pounds= 373.2417216 grams

This implies that there are 453.59237 grams in one pound. One kilogram has one thousand grams and one kilogram is defined as 2.20462 pounds.


1000 / 2.20462 = 453.59237 grams in a pound.

A pound is a mass unit in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement. One pound is equal to 0.45359237 kilograms.

A gram is a mass unit in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement abbreviated as "g".  One ounce has 28.3495 grams and there are 1000 grams in a kilogram, 453.59237 grams in a pound.