PPM to PPB Converter

ppb result: ppb

PPM to PPB Converter

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the numbers in parts-per millions (PPM) to parts-per-billion (PPB). It has a blank text field where you enter the value to be converted toparts-per-billion. Press the ‘Convert button to initiate the conversion from PPM to PPB. The conversion result is displayed below the control buttons in parts-per-billion. Use the ‘Reset’ button when carrying out new conversions. It erases all data of the previous conversions from the calculator with a single click.


Convert 0.5 PPM to PPB


First, enter the value in parts-per-million (0.5) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert’ button to execute the conversion. This gives you the conversion result as;

= 500 parts-per-billion (PPB)

This means that there are 500 parts-per-billion in 0.5 parts-per-million.

The PPM to PPB converter gives quick and accurate results based on the values you enter in the blank text field.

Use the ‘Reset’ button when converting new values in PPM to get the corresponding results in PPB. 

How to convert PPM to PPB?

1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6

1ppb = 1/109 = 10-9


1 parts- per million = 1000 parts-per billion

X (PPB) = X (PPM) x 1000

This means that the number of parts-per billion is calculated by multiplying the number of parts-per million by 1000.

How many PPB in a PPM?

The conversion factor of parts-per-million to parts-per-billion is 1000.

1 PPM = 1000 PPB

Therefore, there are 1000 parts-per-billion in one parts-per-million.

If you want to determine the number of PPB in one parts-per-million, simply multiply the number in parts-per-million by the conversion factor.

For example; How many PPB in 2.5 PPM?

Solution; multiply this value (2.5) by the conversion factor (1000)

= 2.5 x 1000

= 2500 parts-per billion in 2.5 parts-per million.