Square Root Calculator

Square Root Calculator

Square root calculator

It is used to calculate the square root of a number. It is a simple calculator that uses a straightforward formula in executing the calculations. It uses the formula √x = r, which means that the square root of X is equal to the value r. The Square root calculator has a single text field where you will enter the value (x). Afterwards, you can click on the equal sign (=) or the ‘Calculate’ button to perform the calculation. The results will be displayed in the bottom platform of the calculator.

If you wish to perform new calculations, you can use the ‘Reset’ button. It is used to clear all data of the previous calculations from the text fields. Although you can delete the values manually from the cells, the ‘Reset’ button is the fastest way of resetting the calculator.

Example 1

Calculate the square root of 81

Formula; √x = r

= √81 = 92 = ±9

In the above equation, 81 is the input number (x) and its square root is either positive or negative 9. If you are using the calculator, you only need to enter 81 in the blank text field and click the ‘Calculate’ button. Your answer will be displayed below the two controls as ±9.

Example 2

Determine the square root of 0.456

Formula; √x = r

= √0.456 = ±0.67527772065

You might find it difficult to determine the square root of values in fractions or decimals. The square root calculator makes it easier to get the results the fact that you only fill in the value and click the ‘Calculate’ button. This calculator delivers accurate results depending on the values entered in the text fields. It can only execute one calculation at a time. If you have several values that need to be calculated, use the ‘Reset’ button to erase the text field before you begin the new calculations.

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