How many feet in a mile

The conversion factors of miles and foot are designated as to whether they are imperial or nautical.

1 mile


5280 feet

The conversion factors of miles and foot are designated as to whether they are imperial or nautical. If you want to find the number of feet in a mile, you will multiply the value by the conversion factor to get the result in miles. You can also use the mile to feet conversion table or the conversion calculator which is more accurate and faster. According to the imperial system of measurement, one mile is equivalent to 5280 feet and can be shown as;

Miles to feet Converter

1 mi = 5280 ft

1 mile = 5280 feet 

1 mile = 5280 feet.

According to the nautical system of measurement, one mile is equivalent to 6076.12 feet and is shown as;

1 mile = 6076.12 feet 

1 mile = 6076.12 feet.

Mile is abbreviated as “mi” and is a historical unit of length that is mostly used to measure the distance between two geographical locations. It was later replaced with kilometers after metric system was widely accepted in many countries. Although it is still used in the United States, Canada, Britain and a few countries worldwide as an official unit of measurement.One mile is also equivalent to 1,760 yards and standardized to measure exactly 1,609.344 meters by the international agreement (1959).

Foot is simply used as a body part and is one of the historical length units used in several systems of measurement. It is replaced with “meter” in the metric system spelled as “metre” in British English. It is still used as a common length unit of measurement in the United States, Canada, Britain and a few other countries. Foot has a few versions as well similar to the usage of mile. It is also defined to be 12 inches and 0.3048 meters.

Larger values can be calculated using the conversion calculator as it gives accurate results within a short period. The accuracy of your results will also depend on the values entered in the required text fields.