How many liters in a cubic foot?

1 Cubic Foot


28.3168466 Liters

Cubic Feet to Liters (How many liters in a cubic foot?)

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the volume in cubic feet (ft3) to volume in liters (L). It gives quick and accurate results based on the input values. To use the converter, first enter the value in cubic feet in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button which initiates the conversion to give you the results in liters.


Convert 0.65 cubic feet to liters


The first procedure is to enter the value in cubic feet (0.65) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion from cubic feet to volume in liters. The conversion result will be;

0.65 Cubic Foot = 18.40595029000000338 Liters

This means that 0.65 cubic foot is equivalent to 18.40595029000000338 Liters. Use the same procedure when you want to perform a new conversion from cubic feet to liters.

Cubic Feet to Liters Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into liters and click on the "convert" button.

How many liters in a cubic foot?

The volume units' conversion factor of cubic feet to liters is 28.3168466.

1 Cubic Foot = 28.3168466 Liters

This means that there are 28.3168466 Liters in one cubic foot.

If you want to determine the number of liters in a cubic foot, you multiply the value in the cubic foot by the conversion factor.

For example; how many liters are in 0.05 cubic feet? This value (0.05) is multiplied by the conversion factor (28.3168466), shown;

0.05 x 28.3168466

= 1.415842330000000260 Liters in 0.05 cubic feet.


A cubic foot is a unit of volume measurement in the US customary and imperial systems, abbreviated as "ft3". It is equivalent to 29.9 US quarts, 28.3 liters, 957.5 US fluid ounces and 28316.8 milliliters.

A liter is a unit of volume measurement abbreviated as "L". It is equal to 1000 milliliters, one cubic decimeter, and 33.8 US fluid ounces. A liter of water is said to have a mass of one kilogram.