Millicandela to Lumens Calculator

Millicandela To Lumens Conversion Calculator

Enter Luminous intensity result in millicandela: mcd
Enter apex angle in degrees: °
luminous flux result in lumens: lm

Millicandela to lumens calculator

It is a conversion calculator used to convert the luminous intensity in Millicandela to luminous flux in lumens. It is comprised of two text fields and two controls each performing an independent function of the calculator. Since Millicandela and lumens are of different quantities, the apex angle in degrees is required for the conversion to be successful. The initial step is to enter the value of luminous intensity in Millicandela. Proceed to the next text field and enter the apex angle in degrees then click the ‘Calculate’ button. If you want to perform new conversions you will use the ‘Reset’ button to clear the previous calculations from the text fields. The luminous flux result in lumens will be displayed below the two controls in the bottom platform of the calculator.

For example;

Determine the luminous flux in lumens if the luminous intensity in Millicandela is 156 (mcd) with an apx angle of 64°.

When using the calculator, you will first enter 156 as the value in Millicandela and 64 as the apex angle in degrees respectively. Afterwards, click the ‘Calculate’ button to initiate the conversion.

The luminous flux result in lumens will be; 0.14893974726 lm.

Formula for calculating Millicandela to lumens

Фv (lm) = Iv (mcd) x Ω (sr) / 1000, which means that for a uniform isotropic light source, the luminous flux in lumens is calculated by multiplying the luminous intensity in Millicandela by the solid angle in steradians. The answer is then divided by 1000.

Ω (sr) = 2∏ (1 – cos (Ө/2)), where the solid angle in steradians is calculated by two multiplied by pi times; one minus cosine of half the apex angle in degrees.

Фv (lm) = Iv (mcd) x 2∏ (1 – cos (Ө/2)) / 1000. It means that the luminous flux in lumens is calculated by multiplying the luminous intensity in Millicandela by two times pi by; one minus half the apex angle in degrees. The result is then divided by 1000.

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