Singapore Time Now

Singapore Time Now

Singapore uses the Singapore time (SGT) which is 8 hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC +8). Unlike other countries, Singapore does not observe the Daylight Saving Time. This means that the Singapore time is used throughout the year without experiencing any clock changes.

The same Coordinated Universal Time is used the whole year and there is no daylight saving time (DST). The time zone identifier used by IANA for Singapore is known as Asia / Singapore. You can always use the time converter to determine the time difference between various countries in the world.

If you want to determine the standard time in Singapore, you need to add eight hours to the Coordinated Universal Time. Most of the territories operating on the SGT time zone are situated in Asia. It tends to run across the whole of Singapore and hey maintain the SGT throughout the year.

The Singapore Standard Time Zone can also be determined using the Greenwich Mean Time. It is 8 hours ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time shown as (GMT +8). It is a time zone that distinguishes itself from other countries that observe the Daylight Saving Time. You can always check the time converter for the accurate time difference between Singapore and your country or other locations.