Square Mile to Square Kilometer

1 Square Mile


2.58998811 Square Kilometers

Square Mile to Square Kilometer (How many square kilometers in a square mile?)

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the area in square miles (mi2) to area in square kilometers (km2). It is programmed with a simple formula that executes the conversion from square miles to square kilometers. The first step when using this converter is to enter the value to be converted in square miles and press the ‘Convert' button to begin the conversion.

The result in square kilometers is displayed below the ‘Convert' button. The square mile to square kilometer calculator gives quick and accurate results depending on the values entered in the blank text field.


Convert 50 square miles to square kilometers


First, enter the value in square miles (50) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion process from square miles to square kilometers. The result in square kilometers will be;

50 Square Miles = 129.4994055000000230 Square Kilometers

Use the same procedure when you want to convert new values from square miles to square kilometers.

The square mile to square kilometer conversion tables are used to determine the conversion of common values from square miles to square kilometers.

Square Miles to Square Kilometers Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into sq. kilometers and click on the "convert" button.

How many square kilometers are in a square mile?

The area units' conversion factor of square miles to square kilometers is 2.59. If you want to determine the number of square kilometers in one square mile, simply multiply the value in square miles by the conversion factor.

1 square mile = 2.58998811 square kilometers

This means that there are 2.58998811 square kilometers in one square mile.

The area of a square is determined when one side is multiplied by itself and one mile is defined as 1.60934 kilometers.


1.60934 x 1.60934 = 2.59 square kilometers in one square mile.

For example; how many square kilometers are in 0.25 square miles? Using the conversion formula, you will multiply this value by the conversion factor.

; 0.25 x 2.59

= 0.6474970275 Square Kilometers in 0.25 square miles.


A square mile is both a US customary and an imperial area unit of measurement and is abbreviated as "mi2" or "sq. mi". One square mile is equivalent to 2.59 square kilometers, 250 hectares and 640 acres.

A square kilometer is an area unit in the metric system of measurement abbreviated as "km2" or "sq. km". One square kilometer is defined as 0.386 square miles and is equal to 247.1 acres and 100 hectares.