1 GHz to MHz Conversion

The conversion of one Gigahertz (GHz) to Megahertz (MHz) involves two units of frequency.

1 Gigahertz (GHz)


1000 Megahertz (MHz)

The conversion of one Gigahertz (GHz) to Megahertz (MHz) involves two units of frequency. Hertz is often expressed in multiples such as Megahertz (106 Hz, MHz) and Gigahertz (109 Hz, GHz).Hertz is the SI base unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second. It is commonly used in the description of musical tones and sine waves related to audio and radio applications. Both Gigahertz and Megahertz are decimal multiple units of the SI derived unit of frequency Hertz. They are abbreviated as (GHz) and (MHz) respectively. One Gigahertz is equivalent to the frequency of 103 hertz expressed as;

Gigahertz to Megahertz Converter

Result in megahertz: MHz

1 Gigahertz (GHz) = 1000 Megahertz (MHz)


ʄ (MHz) = 1 GHz x 103 = 1000 MHz is the method used in the conversion of 1 GHz to MHz). It implies that the frequency in megahertz (MHz) is calculated by multiplying one frequency Gigahertz by 103. Therefore, the conversion from 1 GHz to MHz gives the frequency in Megahertz as 1000 MHz (103 MHz).

It can also be expressed as;

1 MHz = 0.001GHz, where one Megahertz is equal to 0.001 gigahertz

The Gigahertz to Megahertz conversion table can also be used to determine the conversion result based on a scale of 0 to 1000 Gigahertz (GHz).

You can also use the Gigahertz to Megahertz conversion table to determine the conversion result of one Gigahertz to megahertz. It has a blank text field, two controls that operate independent functions and a result panel. The first procedure when using the calculator is to enter 1 in the blank text field as the frequency value in Gigahertz.

Initiate the conversion by clicking the ‘Convert' button. The result in megahertz is displayed immediately at the result panel as 1000 (MHz). This calculator can only perform one conversion at a time. The "Reset" button is used to readjust the workspace when you have new values in Gigahertz.