Kilograms to Grams

Kilograms to Grams Conversion

Grams: g

Kilograms to Grams

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the mass in kilograms (kg) to mass in grams (g). It has a single text field, two active controls, and the result panel. The first step when using this calculator is to enter the value in kilograms in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion from kilograms to grams. The results will be displayed below the controls in grams.

This calculator also displays the results in Kilograms + Grams and the method used in the conversion. The "Reset" button is used to enhance the efficiency of the calculator since it can only perform one conversion at a time.  It adjusts the calculator by erasing the data of the previous calculations to give a new space for other conversions.


Convert 3 kilograms to grams


First, enter the value in kilograms (3) in the blank text field. Initiate the conversion by clicking the ‘Convert' button. The result will be displayed below the two controls as;

Grams: 3000 Grams (g)

Kilograms + Grams: 3 Kg 0 g


= 3 Kg x 1000

= 3000 grams (g) 

How to convert kilograms to grams

This calculator is programmed with a formula for executing the conversions from kilograms to grams.

1 Kg = 1000 g

This implies that one kilogram is equivalent to one thousand grams.

The mass in grams is calculated by multiplying the mass in kilograms by one thousand. It can be expressed as;

M (g) = M (Kg) x 1000

Using the example above;

Convert 3 kilograms to grams

The calculation will be;

M (g) = 3 Kg x 1000

= 3000 grams (g)

How many grams in a kilogram?

The conversion factor of kilograms to grams is 1000. If you want to determine the number of grams in a kilogram, you will multiply the value in kilogram by the conversion factor.

1 Kg = 1000 g

This implies that there are one thousand grams in a kilogram

For example, convert 2 kilograms to grams. First, you will multiply the value in kilogram by the conversion factor. In this case, the calculation will be;

= 2 x 1000 (conversion factor)

= 2000 grams.

A gram is a mass unit in the metric system that is equivalent to one-thousandth of a kilogram. A kilogram is a base mass unit in the metric system and is equal to one thousand grams.