Square Meter to Square Yard

1 Square Meter


1.19599005 Square Yards

Square Meter to Square Yard (How many square yards in a square meter?)

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the area in square meter (m2) to area in square yards (yd2). This calculator uses a simple formula when performing the conversions. The first procedure is to enter the value in square meters in the blank text field. You can convert to square yards by pressing the ‘Convert' button. The conversion result will be shown below the control in the bottom platform of the calculator.


Convert 50 square meters to square yards.


First, enter the value in square meters (50) in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion from square meters to square yards. The result will be shown as;

50 Square Meters = 59.7995025 Square Yards

This means that there are 59.7995025 Square Yards in 50 square meters.

The same procedure is used when performing new conversions from square meters to square yards.

The Square meter to square yard conversion table is used in the conversion of common values from square meters to square yards.

Square Meters to Square Yards Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into sq. yards and click on the "convert" button.

How many square yards are in a square meter?

The area units' conversion factor of square meters to square yards is 1.19599005. Simply multiply the value in square meters by the conversion factor to find out the number of square yards in one square meter.

1 square meter = 1.19599005 square yards.

Therefore, there are 1.19599005 square yards in one square meter.  The area of a square is determined when one side is multiplied by itself and one meter is defined as 1.09361 yards.

Therefore, 1.09361 x 1.09361 = 1.196 square yards in a square meter.

For example; how many square yards are in 26 square meters?


26 x 1.19599005

= 31.0957413 Square Yards


A square meter is a unit of area measurement incorporated in the metric system and is abbreviated as "m2". One square meter is defined as 1.196 square yards, 1550 square inches, and 10.7639104 square feet. It can also be defined as the area of the square with sides that are equal to one meter.

A square yard is a US customary and an imperial unit of area measurement and is abbreviated as "yd2" or "sq. yd." It is defined as 0.836127 square meters, 1296 square inches, 8361.2736 square centimeters and 9 square feet. A square yard can also be defined as the area of a square with sides that are equal to one yard.