Celsius to Kelvin calculation

Celsius to Kelvin calculation

The Celsius scale which was initially defined by the freezing point of water is officially a derived scale. It is now defined in relation to the Kelvin temperature scale. Both scales are used to measure temperature. However, they use different numbers to show their temperature readings.

For example, boiling water at normal pressure measures 100° Celsius but in Kelvin, the temperature reading will be 373.15K. As water freezes, it will click on a temperature reading of 0° Celsius but will be shown in Kelvin as 273.15K. Therefore, it means that the scales start at different numbers so we can add or subtract by 273.15K to get the reading in the other. The similarity is that both scales rise at the same rate meaning the unit size in each scale is the same.

0°C = 273.15K is the standard principle used by the converter in executing the calculations from degrees Celsius to Kelvin.

Formula used in converting Celsius to Kelvin

T (K) = T (°C) + 273.15 is the method used in the conversion. It implies that the temperature in Kelvin is calculated by adding 273.15 to the temperature reading in degrees Celsius.

For example;

Convert 60 degrees Celsius to Kelvin


T (K) = T (°C) + 273.15


T (K) = 60°C + 273.15

= 333.15K

The answer to the above problem is 333.15 Kelvins. Unlike other temperature scales, Kelvin is not expressed in degrees. The primary reason is that a scale measured in degrees shows it references another scale. Therefore, it means that Celsius is measured in degrees because it is actually based on the Kelvin scale. Degrees do not apply to Kelvin scale because it is considered to be an absolute scale. I.e. it has an endpoint that cannot move (an absolute zero).