Hp to Watts Conversion

Horsepower to Watts Converter

Result in watts: W

Hp to Watts Conversion

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the power in horsepower (hp) to power in watts (W). The first step when using this converter is to select the hp unit type.  It can either be mechanic horsepower, electrical horsepower or metric horsepower. Use the blank text field to enter the value of horsepower depending on the unit type you have selected above.

Click the ‘Control' button to initiate the conversion from horsepower to watts. The results in watts will be displayed immediately below the two controls. The ‘Reset' button is used to erase all data of previous calculations from the calculator.


Convert 30 mechanical horsepower to the power in watts


First, enter the value in mechanical horsepower (30) in the blank text field. Initiate the conversion by clicking the ‘Convert' button. The result in watts will be displayed as; 22370.99616 W

Click the ‘Reset' button if you have new values in electrical or metric horsepower,and then select your option. Use the same procedure to obtain the new values in watts.

How to convert horsepower to watts

Mechanic/ Hydraulic horsepower to watts

1 hp (I) = 745.699872 W, where one mechanic or hydraulic horsepower is equivalent to 745.699872 Watts.

Therefore, the power conversion of horsepower to watts will be given by;

P (W) = 745.699872 x P (hp). To get the power in watts, we multiply the power in horsepower by 745.699872

Electrical horsepower to watts

1 hp (E) = 746 W, where one electrical horsepower is equivalent to 746 watts.

Therefore, the power conversion of horsepower to watts will be given by;

P (W) = 746 x P (hp)

Metric horsepower to watts

1 hp (M) = 735.49875 W, where one metric horsepower is equal to 735.49875 W

Therefore, the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by;

P (W) = 735.49875 x P (hp)