Sine Calculator

Sine Calculator


Inverse sine calculator


Sine Calculator

The Trigonometric sine calculator is used to calculate the sin of multiple values. It was purposely designed to deliver accurate results depending on the values entered in the text fields. The Sine Calculator has a single text field and two controls which perform different functions. The first step is to fill in the sin (x) value in the blank text field. Select the type of angle which can either be in degrees Celsius (°) or radians (rad).

Afterwards, click the equal sign (=) or the ‘Calculate’ button to perform the calculation. The results will be displayed at the bottom platform of the calculator below the two controls. The ‘Reset’ button is used to erase all the previous calculations from the text fields. It is the fastest way of clearing the calculator whenever you want to perform new calculations.

The Sine calculator can only execute one conversion at a time which means you will have to coordinate the ‘calculate’ and ‘Reset’ button in situations where you have several values. This calculator uses particular formulas in carrying out the calculations. It is reliable as it gives you accurate results within a second.

For example
Calculate Sin 30°

You will enter 30 in the first text field and select degrees as the angle type. Click the equal sign or ‘Calculate’ button to perform the calculation

The result will be; 0.5.

If you were to calculate the Sin in Radians then the result will be; -0.98803162

The Inverse Sine Calculator

It performs an opposite function of the Sine Calculator as it is used to determine the value in percentage or radians.

You will first enter the value obtained in the Sine Calculator to determine the result in degrees or radians.

For example
Find the sine inverse of 0.5

You will enter 0.5 in the blank text field and click the equal sign or ‘Calculate’ button to execute the calculation

The result will be; 30 degrees Celsius.

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