How many seconds are in a day?

If you want to determine the number of seconds that make up a day, you have to start by calculating the smallest time measurement unit.

One Day


86400 Second

If you want to determine the number of seconds that make up a day, you have to start by calculating the smallest time measurement unit. There are 60 seconds in one minute and 60 minutes make up one hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day, we first calculate the number of seconds in one hour and then multiply the value by 24 hours.

Time Conversion Calculator

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The calculation can be expressed as;

1 minute = 60 seconds

60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = 1 day

Therefore, 60 seconds x 60 minutes = 3,600 seconds, which is equivalent to 1 hour.

Since one day has 24 hours, you will multiply the number of seconds in one hour by the number of hours in one day. It is expressed as;

1 hour = 3,600 seconds

1 day = 3600 seconds x 24 hours = 86400 seconds/ day

Hence 86,400 seconds are in one day.

A second is a standard unit of measuring time used and widely recognized by the International System of Units. An hour is also used to measure time and is equivalent to 1/24 of solar day or measured exactly as 3600 seconds. The word ‘second' was derived from a Latin word meaning ‘the second division of hours'. It is also the basic reference unit for precise units of time measurement such as milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds.

The Scientists in Ancient Egypt came up with the idea of dividing one solar day into 24 equal parts. It is widely used today as a unit of measurement and extensively used in science. It also defines various related units for measuring time such as ampere per hour, kilowatt per hour, kilometers per hour etc.

How to convert seconds to days

There is a simple formula used if you want to convert second to days. We divide the number of seconds by 86,400 to get the number of days.

Days = seconds ÷86,400

For example, Convert 98,400 seconds to days


If 1 day = 86,400 seconds

? Days = 98,400 seconds?

= 98,400 / 86,400

= 1.138889 days

You can also use the Seconds to Day converter as it gives the corresponding values in days when converting from seconds. This conversion calculator will be useful when you have large values in seconds that are to be converted to days. If you want to determine how many seconds are in a day, we multiply the number of seconds in one hour by the number of hours in one day.