How many seconds are in a year?

We multiply the number of seconds in one day with the total number of days.

One Year


31,536,000 Seconds

The number of seconds in one year will depend on the type of calendar you use when approximating time. A Gregorian calendar year consists of 365 days and 1 day has 24 hours, each hour consists of 60 minutes and each minute has 60 seconds. To determine the number of seconds that are in one year, you have to know how many seconds are in one day, one week or one month before they can be summed up to get the overall seconds that make up a year.

The number of seconds in one hour is 3,600s (60 x 60). We multiply this value by 24 hours to get the total number of seconds in one day (24 x 3600) = 86400. Afterwards, you multiply by the total number of days depending on the type of the Calendar year.

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Calculation of Seconds in a year

Gregorian year
The Gregorian calendar year has 365 days. To find out how many seconds are in one common year, we multiply the number of seconds in one day with the total number of days. This can be expressed as; 1 common year = 365 days 1 day = 24 x 3600 seconds = 86400 seconds

365 days = (365 x 86400 seconds) = 31,536,000 seconds

Therefore, a single common year in the Gregorian calendar has 31,536,000 seconds. For the leap year, the calculation will be; 1 leap year = 366 days 366 days = (366 x 86400 seconds) = 31,622,400 seconds Therefore, a single leap year in the Gregorian calendar has 31,622,400 seconds
Julian Year
The Julian year calendar was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Although its efficiency faded over time, it is still used for astronomical calculations. One Julian year has 365.25 days. If you want to determine how many seconds are in on Julian year, you will multiply the total number of days by the total seconds in one day. This can be expressed as; 1 Julian year = 365.25 days 365.25 days = (365.25 x 86400 seconds) = 31,557,600 seconds Therefore, a single leap year in the Gregorian calendar has 31,557,600 seconds
Sidereal Year
The Sidereal year is widely used by the astronomers. One Sidereal year has 365.25636 days. We multiply the number of days in the year by the total number of seconds in one day. This can be expressed as; 1 Sidereal year = 365.256 days 365.256 days = (365.256 x 86400 seconds) =31,558,118.4 seconds Therefore, a single leap year in the Gregorian calendar has 31,558,118.4 seconds