How many barrels in a cubic foot?

1 Cubic Foot


0.237476809 US Fluid Barrel

Cubic Feet to Barrels (How many barrels in a cubic foot?)

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the volume in cubic feet (ft3) to volume in barrels (bbl). The first procedure when using this calculator is to enter the volume in cubic feet in the blank text field. It is programmed with a single control button that performs an independent function of the calculator. Press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from cubic feet to volume in barrels. The conversion result is displayed below the control in barrels.

For example;

Convert 250 cubic feet barrels


First, enter the volume in cubic feet (250) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to give you the results in barrels. It is displayed as;

250 Cubic Feet = 59.36920225 US Fluid Barrels

This implies that there are 59.36920225 US Fluid Barrels in 250 cubic feet.

Cubic Feet to Barrels [Fluid] Conversion

Enter a value that you want to convert into fluid barrels and click on the "convert" button.

How many barrels in a cubic foot?

The volume units' conversion factor of cubic feet to barrels varies based on the standard used in the conversion.

 1 Cubic Foot = 0.237476809 Barrels (US, Fluid)

1 Cubic Foot = 0.178107607 Barrels (US, Oil)

1 Cubic Foot = 0.244897959 Barrels (US, Dry)

This implies that there are 0.237476809 Barrels (The US, fluid) in one cubic foot. When converting one cubic foot to the US, oil barrels, the conversion factor will be 0.178107607. The conversion factor of one cubic foot to US dry barrels is 0.244897959.

If you want to determine the number of barrels in cubic feet, you multiply the value in cubic feet by the conversion factor.


A cubic foot is both a US customary and an imperial unit of measurement abbreviated as "cu ft." or "ft3". It is defined as a cube whose sides are equivalent to one foot each.

A barrel is a unit of volume measurement abbreviated as "bbl". It is available in different sizes and is used widely in most applications.