Hz to rad/s Conversion

Hertz to radian/sec conversion

Result in radian per second: rad/s

Hz to rad/s Conversion

It is a conversion calculator that converts the frequency in hertz (Hz) to radians per second (Rad/s). A single hertz is the SI base unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second. One Radian per second is comparative to a half pie Hertz. It is a measure of angular frequency that can be compared to Hertz or other angular units. Its formula uses the approximation of PI.

The Hertz to Radians per second conversion calculator is programmed with a blank text field, two active controls, and the result panel. Use the blank text field to enter the value frequency in hertz. Initiate the conversion by clicking the ‘Convert' button. The result in radian per second will be displayed in the bottom platform of the calculator below the two controls. If you want to carry out new calculations, use the ‘Reset' button to erase all previous data from the calculator.


Convert 2000 hertz to radians per second


When using the calculator, enter 2000 as the frequency in hertz and then click the ‘Convert' button. The result in Radian per second will be displayed as; 12566.3706 rad/s


2π x 2000 Hz = 12566.3706 rad/s

Formula used in converting Hertz to Radians per second

This converter uses a simple procedure when executing the conversions from Hertz to Radians per second

1 Hz = 2 π rad/s = 6.2831853 rad/s


1 rad/s = 1/2 π Hz = 0.1591549

Both of these standards are used by the Hertz to Radians/Second calculator to carry out the calculations.

ᵚ (rad/s) = 2 π x ʄ (Hz) is the formula used in the conversion. Therefore, the angular velocity or angular frequency in radians per second is equivalent to 2 π multiplied by the frequency in Hertz.

Using the example above, the calculation will be;

ᵚ (rad/s) = 2 π x 2000 Hz = 12566.3706 rad/s