Volts to amps calculator

Volts to Amperes Conversion Calculator

Select calculation: 
Enter volts:V
Enter watts:W
Result in amps:A

Volt to amps Calculator

It is used to convert the electrical voltage in volts (V) to the current in amps (A). Before you enter the values, you need to select the type of calculation. It can either be the volts to amps with watts or volt to amps with ohms. The reason why you need the watts or ohms values to find the result in amps is that of the difference in the quantities of the units.

Calculating volts to amps with watts

If you select this option as your calculation, you need to enter the correct values of the volts and the watts in their respective fields. Click on the ‘Calculate' button to initiate the conversion. The results in amps will be displayed on the bottom platform of the calculator, and the accuracy always depends on the values entered in the text fields.

I (A) = P (W) / V (V), which means that the current in amps is calculated by dividing the power in watts by the electric voltage in volts.

For example;
If an electrical circuit has a power consumption of 56 watts with 20 V as the voltage supply, what is the current flow?

I (A) = P (W) / V (V)

Amps = 56/20 = 0.257 Amps (A)

Calculating volts to amps with ohms

If you select this option as your type of calculation, you need to enter the correct values of the volts and ohms in their required fields. Click on the ‘Calculate' button to give you the results in amps.

I (A) = V (V) / R (Ω), which means that the current in amps is calculated by dividing the voltage in volts by the resistance in ohms.

It can also be expressed as; amp = volt/ohms

For example;
If 45 V is the voltage supply of an electrical circuit which has a resistance of 20 Ω, what is the current flow?

I (A) = V (V) / R (Ω)

= 45 V/20 Ω = 2.25 Amps (A)

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