Watts to mW conversion

Watts to milliwatts Converter

milliwatts result: mW

Watts to mW conversion

The Watts to Milliwatts conversion calculator is used to convert the power in Watts (W) to Milliwatts (mW). It uses a simple formula to execute the conversions. The first procedure when using the converter is to enter the value in Watts in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert’ button to initiate the conversion from Watts to Milliwatts. This gives you the conversion result in milliwatts, displayed below the two controls.

The ‘Reset’ button enhances the flexibility of the Watts to Milliwatts converter as it can only perform one conversion at a time. It is used to erase all data of the previous conversions from the calculator.


Convert 0.5 Watts to milliwatts


First, enter the value in Watts (0.5) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert’ button to initiate the conversion from Watts to Milliwatts. The conversion result is displayed as;

Milliwatts: 500 mW

This means that 0.5 Watts is equal to 500 milliwatts.

Use the same procedure when converting new values in Watts to get the corresponding result in milliwatts.

The Watts to Milliwatts converter gives quick and accurate results based on the values you enter in the blank text field.

Formula of converting Watts to Milliwatts

The power units’ conversion factor of Watts to Milliwatts is 1000.

1 Watt = 1000 Milliwatts

This implies that there are 1000 milliwatts in one watt. If you want to determine the number of milliwatts in one watt, simply multiply the value in watts by the conversion factor.

P (mW) =P (W) x 1000

For example; Convert 0.002 watts to milliwatts


Multiply this value (0.002) by the conversion factor (1000)

= 0.002 x 1000

= 2 milliwatts in 0.002 watts

The Watts to Milliwatts conversion table is used to determine the conversions of common values from watts to milliwatts on a scale of 0.001 W to 1000 W.