eV to GeV conversion

eV to GeV conversion

Result in gigaelectron-volts: GeV

Ev to Gev conversion

It is used to convert the energy in electron volts (eV) to the energy in gigaelectronvolts (GeV). This converter has a single text field with two control buttons. The ‘Convert' and ‘Reset' buttons are used in executing different actions during the conversions. They are used to complete the conversions and erase the previous estimates respectively. It makes it convenient and easy to use as it guarantees speed and accuracy. This calculator can only convert values from electron volts to gigaelectron volts and not the reverse. The calculator gives accurate results, but it will depend on correct values of the input.

Formula of converting electron volts to gigaelectron volts

This calculator uses a single method in performing the conversions.

E (GeV) = E (eV) / 109 = E (eV) / 1000000000, which means that the energy in gigaelectron volt is computed by dividing the energy in electron volts by 1,000,000,000 or 109

It can also be expressed as;

1 GeV = 109 (eV)

For example;
If the energy in electron volts is 3000000 (eV), what is the energy in gigaelectron volts?

E (GeV) = E (eV) / 109 = E (eV) / 1000000000

= 3000000 (eV) / 1000000000 = 0.003 gigaelectron volts (GeV).

Example 2
If the energy in electron volts is 2500 (eV), find the power in gigaelectronvolts.

E (GeV) = E (eV) / 109 = E (eV) / 1000000000

= 2500 (eV) / 1000000000 = 0.0000025 gigaelectronvolts

The calculator has been designed to offer speed and accuracy of the conversions. It can only perform conversions from electron volts to gigaelectron volts. It reduces a lot of paperwork and makes conversions easier. If you need to carry out new calculations, you can always erase all the data of the previous estimates using the ‘Reset' button. Coordinating the two controls allows you to perform several conversions within a short period.