kcal to calories conversion

kcal to calories conversion

Select calorie unit type:  
Result in calories:

Kcal to calories conversion

It is used to convert the energy in kilocalories to calories. The calculator has two control buttons which executed different functions. The first procedure is to enter the value of energy in small kilocalories. Select the unit type of calories before clicking the ‘Convert' button. The results in calories will be displayed according to the value and option of the unit type selected. You can erase all data from the cells using the ‘Reset' button. It is the quickest way of clearing the previous calculations. This converter mainly deals with conversions from small kilocalories to small calories.

Formula for calculating small kilocalories to small calories

E (Cal) = 1000 x E (kcal), where the energy in small calories is computed by multiplying the power in small kilocalories by 1000.

It can also be expressed as;

1 kcal = 1000 Cal

For example;
If the energy in small kilocalories is 11 kcal, what is the energy in small calories?

E (Cal) = 1000 x E (kcal)

= 1000 x 11 kcal = 11000 small calories (cal)

The procedure is simple, and you can always execute more conversation after resetting the calculator using the ‘Reset' button with a single click.

Formula for calculating small kilocalories to large calories

E (Cal) = E (kcal), which means that the energy in small kilocalories is equivalent to the energy in large / food calories.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal = 1 kcal

For example;
If the energy in small kilocalories is 11 (kcal), find the energy in large calories.

E (Cal) = E (kcal)

= 11 = 11 Cal

Answer = 11 large calories (Cal)

The kilocalories to calories conversion utilizes these formulas in initiating the conversions. It is always accurate and delivers the results within a short period. The two control buttons are effective and can be useful when you have more values that need to be converted to calories.