kW to BTU/hr Conversion

Kilowatts to BTU/hr Converter

BTU/hr result: BTU/hr

KW to BTU/hr Conversion

It is a conversion calculator which converts the power in Kilowatts (kW) to BTU per hour (BTU/hr). It is programmed with a single text field and two control buttons; ‘Convert' and ‘Reset'. If you want to perform a conversion, use the blank text field to enter the value in Kilowatts. Afterward, click the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion.  The results in BTU per hour will be displayed immediately below the two controls of the converter.

If you want to determine the conversion of new values in Kilowatts, use the ‘Reset' button. It erases all the previous calculations from the calculator giving a new space for other conversions.

For example;

Convert 10 kilowatts to BTU per hour


Enter the value of kilowatts (10) in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button to get the results in BTU per hour. It will be displayed as; 34121.42 BTU/hr. 

Formula for converting Kilowatts to BTU per hour

The kW to BTU/hr converter uses a formula to execute all the conversions with a single click.

1 kW = 3412.142 BTU/hr. Where, one kilowatt is equivalent to 3412.142 BTU per hour.

Therefore, the power conversion of kW to BTU/hr. is given by;

P (BTU/hr.) = 3412.142 x P (kW). To get the power in BTU/hr. we multiply the power in kilowatts by 3412.142.

Using the above example;

Convert 10 Kilowatts to BTU/hr.

The calculation will be shown as;

P (BTU/hr.) = 3412.142 x 10 (kW).

= 34121.42 BTU/hr.

The Kilowatts to BTU/hr conversion table is used to determine the common conversions from Kilowatts to BTU/hr. based on a scale of 1kW to 10000 kW.

It is important to note that the kW to BTU/hr calculator can only perform conversions from Kilowatts to BTU per hour. If all the values are in BTU/hr. we recommend you use the BTU/hr. to kW converter.