kW to mega watt conversion

Kilowatts to megawatts conversion

Result in megawatts: MW

kW to MW Conversion

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the power in Kilowatts (kW) to Megawatts (MW). This converter is programmed with a single text field and two controls. Simply enter the value in Kilowatts in the blank text field when performing a new conversion and then click the ‘Convert' button. The conversion from Kilowatts to megawatts will be initiated and the result in Megawatts will be displayed immediately below the two controls.

The ‘Reset' button is another control that performs an independent function of the calculator. It erases all data of the previous calculations to give new space for more conversions. It is mostly used when you want to carry out new conversions from Kilowatt to Megawatts.

For example;

Convert 8 Kilowatts to megawatts.


Use the blank text field to enter the value in Kilowatts (8). Click the ‘Convert' button to execute the conversion. This gives you the result in megawatts as; 0.008 MW

You can always use repeat the same procedure if you have new values in Kilowatts. The ‘Reset' button is the easiest way of readjusting the calculator and it enhances its efficiency when carrying out a number of conversions.

Formula of converting kilowatts to megawatts

P (MW) = P (kW) / 1000. Where, the power in megawatts is calculated by dividing the power in kilowatts by one thousand.


1 kW = 1000 MW. This means that one thousand megawatts are equivalent to one kilowatt.

Using the above example;

Convert 8 Kilowatts to megawatts.

The calculation can be expressed as;

P (MW) = 8 kW / 1000

= 0.008 MW

This implies that 8 kilowatts are made up of 0.008 Megawatts.

The Kilowatts to megawatts conversion calculator will provide accurate results depending on your input values. You can also determine the conversions of kilowatts to megawatts using the kW to MW conversion calculator based on a scale of 0 kW to 1000000 kW.