Volts to watts calculator

Volts to Watts Calculator

Select current type:  
Enter voltage in volts: V
Enter current in amps: A
Power result in watts: W

Volts to Watts Calculator

It is used to convert the voltage in volts (V) to the power in watts (W) using the current in amps (A). Start by selecting the type of current which can either be the direct current (DC) or Alternating current (AC) single phase/ three phase.

Enter the voltage in volts and current in amps respectively before clicking on the ‘Calculate' button. You will receive the power in results which is usually indicated below the two controls. In case you want to perform new conversions, you can use the ‘Reset' button which erases all data from the previous calculations.

Formula for calculating the DC to volts

P (W) = V (V) x I (A), which means that the power in watts is computed by multiplication of the voltage in volts by the current in amps.

For example;
If the current is 6 A and the voltage supply is 18 V, what is the power consumption?

P (W) = V (V) x I (A)

= 18 V x 6A = 108 Watts (W)

Calculating the Ac single phase from Volts to Watts

P (W) = PF x I (A) x V (V), which means that the real power in watts is computed by multiplying the phase current in amps by the voltage RMS in volts.

For example;
If the single phase current is 7A with a power factor of 0.6 and a voltage RMS of 150 V, what is the power consumption in watts?

P (W) = PF x I (A) x V (V),

= 0.6 x 7A x 110 V = 630 Watts (W)

Calculating the Ac three phase from Volts to Watts

P (W) = √3 x PF x I (A) x V L-L (V), which means that the real power in watts is calculated by multiplying the square root of three by the power factor times the phase current in amps. The result is then multiplied by the voltage RMS in volts.

For example;
If the three phase current is 5A with a power factor of 0.7 and voltage RMS supply of 130V, what is the power consumption in watts?

P (W) = √3 x PF x I (A) x V L-L (V)

= √3 x 0.7 x 5A x 130 V = 788.083 watts (W)

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