Root Calculator

Radicals And Roots Calculator


Root Calculator

The Root Calculator is used to determine the n-th root of different values. It has a simple layout with two controls that perform different functions of the calculator. The ‘Calculate’ button is used to execute the conversions after you have completely filled all the text fields with the appropriate values. The equal sign that is adjacent to the second text field works the same way with the ‘Calculate’ control. The ‘Reset’ button is active and is used to clear all data of the previous calculations from the text fields. It is the fastest way of resetting the calculator when you want to perform new calculations.

The first procedure is to enter the n-th root in the first text field. Enter the square root value in the second text field then you click the ‘Calculate’ button. Your results will be displayed below the two controls in the bottom platform of the calculator. The Root Calculator can only execute a single conversion at a time. If you want to perform new calculations, you will use the ‘Reset’ button. It will erase all the text fields giving you a clear space to execute the conversion.

For example
Calculate 2√40

You will enter 2 in the first text field and 40 in the second text field. Click on the calculate button to determine the square root of 40.

The answer will be ±6.3245553203.

The root calculator can also be used to find the n-th root of decimal values. You only need to enter the numbers in their respective text fields before clicking the equal sign or the ‘Calculate’ button.

For example;
Calculate 2√0.678

You will enter 2 in the first text field and 0.678 in the second text field. Click on the calculate button to determine the square root of 0.678.

The answer will be; ±0.82340755401

It uses the formula n√x = r, where the n-th root of x is equal to r. It is fast and delivers accurate results according to the input.

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