Cosine Calculator

Cosine Calculator


Inverse cosine calculator


Cosine Calculator

It is a math calculator that is used to calculate the cosine of a value (x). It uses a simple program in delivering accurate results in seconds. The blank text field allows you to input of the figures to be calculated. It has the combo box where you can select the angle type in degrees or radians. This calculator has various controls that perform different functions of the calculator. The equal sign (=) executes the same function as the ‘Calculate’ button. It is used to perform the calculations based on the values entered in the text field. The ‘Reset’ button will be useful in erasing all data of the previous calculations giving enough space for new computations.

The first step is to enter the input angle and select the angle type in degrees (°) or radians (rad). Click the equal sign or the ‘Calculate’ button to give you the results. The cosine of the input angle will be displayed below the two controls in the bottom platform of the calculator.

For example;

Determine the cosine of 30°

Enter 30 in the blank text field and click the equal sign. The result will be;

= 0.8660254

Inverse cosine calculator

This calculator is used to find the inverse of a cosine in degrees or radians. The first step is to enter the cosine of the input angle. Select the result type in degrees or radians and then click the ‘Calculate’ button.

For example;

Determine the inverse cosine of 0.5 in radians

First, you will enter 0.5 in the blank text field and then select radians in the combo box as your result type. Click the equal sign or the ‘Calculate’ button to display the results.

The inverse cosine of 0.5 will be; 1.04719755 radians or 60° degrees

You can always repeat the same procedure when computing new values by resetting the calculator.

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