Gigavolts to Volts Conversion

Gigavolts to volts conversion

Enter voltage in gigavolts: GV
Result in volts: V

Gigavolts to Volts Conversion

This is a conversion calculator that converts values from Gigavolts (GV) to Volts (V). Volt is the SI derived unit of an electromotive force or electric potential difference and is commonly referred to as voltage. The Gigavolts to Volts conversion calculator is partitioned into three active segments. The blank text field allows you to enter the values in Gigavolts and the conversion will be initiated by the ‘Convert’ button. The ‘Reset’ button is one of the active controls that is used to erase previous calculations from the converter. The conversion results are shown in Volts (V) below the two controls.

For example;

Convert 0.005 Gigavolts to Volts


When using the calculator, the first procedure will be to enter the value 0.005 in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert’ button to execute the conversion. The result in Volts will be indicated as; 5,000,000 Volts (V).


0.005 V x 109

= 5,000,000 Volts

Formula for Converting Gigavolts to Volts

The Gigavolts to Volts conversion calculator uses a simple procedure in carrying out the calculations. It is quick and reliable since the results are displayed with a single click.

1 GV = 109 V = 1000000000 Vis the standard principle used during the conversion. Therefore, it implies that one Gigavolt is equivalent to 109 V or 1000000000 Volts. It can also be written as;

1V = 10-9 V = 0.000000001 GV

V (V) = V (GV) x 1000000000 is the method used in performing the calculations. It means that the voltage in volts is calculated by multiplying the voltage in Gigavolts by 1,000,000,000.

Using the above example, it can be indicated as;

V (V) =0.005 GV x 1000000000

= 5,000,000 Volts

The Gigavolts to Volts Converter is efficient but can only carry out one conversion at a time. If all your values are in volts then you can use the Volts to Gigavolts calculator.