kcal to joules conversion

Kilocalories to joules conversion

Select calorie unit type:  
Energy result in joules: J

Kilocalories to joules conversion

It is used to convert the energy in kilocalories (kcal) to joules (J). The kilocalories to joules converter was designed to perform calculations with speed and accuracy. It is simple to use and easily accessible. To use the converter, you will start by choosing the unit type of calories before filling in the energy in kilocalories. Click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. Remove the text fields using the ‘Reset' button when you want to execute new calculations or change the unit type of calories.

Formula of converting food/ thermochemical kilocalories to joules

E (J) = 4184 x E (kcal-th), where the energy in joules is computed by multiplying the energy in kilocalories by 4184.

It can also be expressed as;

1 kcal-th = 4184 J.

For example;
Find the energy in joules if the energy in kilocalories is 0.478.

E (J) = 4184 x E (kcal-th)

= 4184 x 0.478 kcal-th = 1999.952 joules (J)

Converting international kilocalories to joules

E (J) = 4186.8 x E (kcal-IT), which means that the energy in joules is calculated by multiplying the energy in international kilocalories by 4186.8

For example;
If the energy in international kilocalories is 0.478, find the energy in joules.

E (J) = 4186.8 x E (kcal-IT)

= 4186.8 x 0.478 kcal-IT = 2001.2904 joules (J)

Converting 15° C calories to joules

E (J) 4185.5 x E (kcal15), which means that the energy in joules is computed by multiplying the energy in 15° C calories by 4185.8

For example;
If the energy in 15° C calories is 0.478, find the energy in joules

E (J) 4185.5 x E (kcal15)

= 4185.5 x 0.478 kcal15 = 2000.669 joules (J)

Converting 20° C calories to joules

E (J) = 4182 x E (kcal20), which means that the energy in joules is calculated by multiplying the energy in 20° C calories by 4182.

For example;
If the energy in 20° C calories is 0.478, find the energy in joules

E (J) = 4182 x E (kcal20)

= 4182 x 0.478 kcal20 = 1998.996 joules (J)