kW to Amps Calculator

Kilowatt to Amperes Conversion Calculator

Select current type:  
Enter power in kilowatts: kW
Enter voltage in volts: V
Current result in amps: A

It is a conversion calculator that converts the power from kilowatts and voltage in volts to current amps. In case you are using the Direct Current (DC), you will be required to enter the power in kilowatts and the voltage in volts respectively in their appropriate cells.

The current result in amps will be projected below the Calculate and Reset buttons. Selecting the Alternating current will have a different arrangement compared to the DC type of flow. It can either be an AC-Single phase or an AC- three phase. An additional text field will appear below the voltage in volts text field requiring you to enter the power factor. Afterward, click on the Calculate button to initiate the conversion.

For example,
If you have a direct current with 10 (kW) and 6 (V), then your current result in amps will be 1666.667 (A). In case you want to perform other conversions, you can remove the text fields using the Reset button. Select the current type either the single or three phase according to the units to be converted.

The single phase will have three text fields which require you to enter the power in Kilowatts, the voltage in volts, and power factor before clicking on the Calculate button.

The alternating three-phase is slightly different from the single phase as it has an additional option of selecting the type of voltage. It can either be a line to line voltage or line to neutral voltage. It is always important to choose the energy type for the calculator to achieve accurate conversions.

The calculator utilizes various formulas to perform the calculations;

Computation of Direct Current Kilowatts to amps
I (A) = 1000 x P (kW) / V (V), which means that the current in amps is calculated by multiplying 1000 by the power in Kilowatts dividing the result by the voltage in volts.

Calculation of AC Single phase Kilowatts to amps
I (A) = 1000 x P (kW) / (PF x V (V)), which means that the phase current in amps is calculated by multiplying 1000 by the power in Kilowatts dividing the result by the power factor multiplied by the RMS voltage in volts.

Calculation of AC three phase Kilowatts to amps
Line to line Voltage
I (A) = 1000 x P (kW) / (√3 x PF x V L-L (V)). It means that the phase current in amps is computed by 1000 multiplied by the power in kilowatts divided by the square root of three multiplied by the power factor times the line to line voltage RMS in volts.

Line to Neutral Voltage
I (A) = 1000 x P (kW) / (3 x PF x V L-N (V)). It means that the phase current in amps is calculated by multiplying 1000 by the power in kilowatts dividing the answer by three multiplied by the power factor times the line to neutral voltage RMS In volts.

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