Lumens to Lux Calculator

Lumens To Lux Conversion Calculator

Enter luminous flux in lumens: lm
Select area unit type:  
Enter spherical radius:
Or enter surface area:
Illuminance result in lux: lx

Lumens to Lux calculator

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the luminous flux in lumens (lm) to the illuminance in lux (lx). It has three text fields and two controls that perform different functions of the calculator. The initial step is to enter the luminous flux in lumens and then select the unit type of the area. It can either be in square feet or square meters. Proceed to the next field where you enter the spherical radius in feet or surface area in squared feet. Confirm that you have entered the appropriate values in the required text field before you click the ‘Calculate’ button.

For example;

If the luminous flux in lumens is 1500 (lm) and with a spherical radius of 15 feet, determine the illuminance result in lux.

First, you will enter 1500 in the initial text field of the luminous flux in lumens and select the unit type as area in square feet. Enter 15 in the spherical radius text field before you click the ‘Calculate’ button. The results will be displayed as;

Surface area = 2827.4333882 (ft2) square feet

Illuminance result in lux = 5.7104316117 (lx)

This calculator uses a particular formula in executing the conversions

Formula of calculating lumens to lux

Ev (lx) = 10.76391 x фv (lm) / A (ft2). It means that the illuminance in lux is calculated by multiplying the luminous flux in lumens by 10.76391 and the result divided by the surface area in square feet.

Ev (lx) = 10.76391 x фv (lm) / (4.∏.r (ft) 2). It means that the illuminance in lux is calculated by multiplying 10.76391 by the luminous flux in lumens. The result is then divided by four times pi multiplied by the squared radius in feet.

Ev (lx) = фv (lm) / A (m) 2, where the illuminance in lux is calculated by dividing the luminous flux in lumens by the surface area in square meters.

Ev (lx) = фv (lm) / (4.∏.r 2(m) 2), which means that the illuminance in lux is computed by dividing the luminous flux in lumens by four times pi multiplied by the squared sphere radius in meters.

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