Lux to Candela Calculator

Lux To Candela Conversion Calculator

Enter illuminance in lux: lx
Enter distance and select feet or meters:
Luminous intensity result in candela: cd

Lux to Candela calculator

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the illuminance in lux (lx) to luminous intensity in candela (cd). It has to text fields and two controls which perform different functions of the calculator. The ‘Calculate’ button is used to execute the conversion from lux to candela while the ‘Reset’ button is used to erase all the previous calculations from the text fields.

The first step is to enter the value of illuminance in lux. Proceed to the next text field where you enter the distance. On the right side, select the units of measurement in feet or meters. Afterwards, click on the ‘Calculate’ button to perform the calculation. The luminous intensity result in candela is displayed in the bottom platform of the calculator below the two controls.

For example

Determine the luminous intensity in candela if the illuminance in lux is 500 (lx) and the distance is 14 feet.

First, you will enter the value of illuminance in lux as 500 in the initial text field and 14 as the distance in feet respectively. Afterwards, click on the ‘Calculate’ button. The luminous intensity result in candela will be displayed as;

= 9104.49792 (cd).

If the same figures were used but the distance was in meters, the result will be; 98,000 (cd). Remember to select the unit measurements in feet or meters.

Formula of calculating lux to candela

Iv (cd) = 0.09290304 x Ev (lx) x (d (ft)) 2. It means that the luminous intensity in candela is calculated by multiplying 0.09290304 by the illuminance in lux, by the square distance from the light source in square feet.

Iv (cd) = Ev (lx) x (d (m)) 2. It means that the luminous intensity in candela is computed by multiplying the illuminance in lux by the square distance from the light source in square meters.

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