Calories to Joules conversion

Calories to Joules conversion

Select calorie unit type:
Energy result in joules: J

Calories to joules conversion

It is a conversion calculator that converts the calories (Cal) to energy in Joules (J). It is simple to use and gives accurate results. Start by selecting the unit type of calories. It can either be large/food, small 15° C calories or small thermochemical calories. You can then enter the energy in calories before clicking the ‘Convert' button. The result in joules will be displayed below the two control buttons. The ‘Reset' button is used to remove all the previous calculations at once and can be utilized when you want to perform new conversions

Formula of converting Thermochemical calories to joules

E (J) = 4.184 x E (Cal-th), which means that the energy in joules is calculated by multiplying the thermochemical calories by 4.184.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal-th = 4.184 J

For example;
If the energy in thermochemical calories is 455 Cal-th, find the energy in joules.

E (J) = 4.184 x E (Cal-th)

= 4.184 x 455 Cal-th = 1903.72 joules (J)

Converting 15° C calories to joules

E (J) = 4.1855 x E (cal15), where the energy in joules is calculated by multiplying 4.1855 by the energy in 15° C calories.

It can also be expressed as 1 Cal15 = 4.1855 J

For example;
If the energy in 15° C calories is 455 Cal15, find the energy in joules

E (J) = 4.1855 x E (cal15)

= 4.1855 x 455 Cal15 = 1904.4025 joules (J)

Converting food/ large calories to joules

E (J) = 4184 x E (Cal), where the energy in joules is computed by multiplying the energy in large calories by 4184.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal = 4.184 kJ = 4184 J

For example;
If the energy in large/food calories is 455 Cal, find the energy in joules

E (J) = 4184 x E (Cal)

= 4184 x 455 Cal = 1903720 Cal