Decimal to Octal Converter

Octal result:
Hex result:

It is a number conversion calculator that is used to convert the values in decimals (base 10) to octal (base 8). It has a single text field where you enter the decimal number to be converted to octal. It has three active controls that perform various functions of the calculator. The ‘Convert' button is used to carry out the calculations and the results will be displayed at the bottom platform of the calculator below the controls. The ‘Reset' button is used when you want to perform new conversions. It is the quickest means of clearing all previous data from the calculator.

For example;

Convert 0.45 to octal.


The first procedure is to enter the value 0.45 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The results will be displayed as;

Octal result: 0.34631463146314631463 (base 8)

Hex result: 0.73333333333333333333 (base 16)

This calculator gives you the accurate results depending on the values entered in the text field. If you have the values in octal and need to convert to the decimals, you will use the ‘Swap' button. It is used to alternate the flow of calculations allowing you to perform the reverse conversions.

For example;

Convert 0.34 octal to decimals


The first procedure is to click the ‘Swap' button which allows you to enter the octal number in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The results will be displayed as;

Decimal result: 0.4375

Hex result: 0.7

The decimal to the octal converter is effective and reliable because of its flexible controls. You can always repeat the same procedure when you have new values in decimals. However, this converter can only execute a single calculation at a time. The ‘Reset' button will be useful when performing new calculations as it erases all the previous data with a single click.