Kelvin to Rankine conversion

Kelvin to Rankine conversion

 Rankine: °R

Kelvin to Rankine Conversion

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the temperature in Kelvins (K) to Rankine (R). It is programmed with two active controls that execute different functions of the calculator. The first procedure is to enter the temperature value in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from Kelvin to Rankine. The ‘Reset' button is used when you want to erase the previous calculations from the calculator.

Although this converter is quick and reliable, it can only perform conversions from Kelvin to Rankine. If all your temperature values are in Rankine, use the Rankine to Kelvin Conversion Calculator to perform the calculations. The results in Rankine is shown in the bottom platform of the calculator below the two controls. You can always repeat the same procedure if you have new values in Kelvin.


Convert 350 Kelvin to Rankine


Enter the temperature value 300 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The result in Rankine will be displayed as 630.


300 K x 9/5

= 540 °R

Formula used in converting Kelvin to Rankine

This converter uses a simple procedure to display the results in Rankine. It is efficient since you get results with a single click.

0 K = 0 °R is the standard principle used by the calculator in converting Kelvin to Rankine. This means that zero Kelvin is equivalent to zero degrees Rankine.

T (°R) = T (K) x 9/5 is the formula used by the converter in executing the calculations. It implies that the temperature in degrees Rankine is calculated by multiplying the temperature in Kelvin by 9/5.

Using the example above, the calculation will be shown as;

T (°R) = 300 K x 9/5 = 630 degrees Rankine (°R)

The Kelvin to Rankine Conversion table indicates the conversion from Kelvin to Rankine on a scale of 0 to 1000K.