Rankine to Celsius conversion

Rankine to Celsius conversion

Rankine: °R
Celsius: °C

Rankine to Celsius Conversion

The Rankine to Celsius conversion calculator is used to convert the temperature in degrees Rankine (°R) to degrees Celsius (°C). It uses a simple formula to execute the conversions. The first procedure when using the converter is to enter the value in Rankine in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert’ button to initiate the conversion from Rankine to Celsius. This gives you the conversion result in degrees Celsius, displayed below the two controls.

The ‘Reset’ button enhances the flexibility of the Rankine to Celsius converter as it can only perform one conversion at a time. It is used to erase all data of the previous conversions from the calculator.


Convert 600 Rankine to degrees Celsius


First, enter the value in Rankine (600) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert’ button to initiate the conversion from Rankine to Celsius. The conversion result is displayed as;

Celsius: 60.1833333 °C

This means that 600 Rankine is equal to 60.1833333 degrees Celsius.

Use the same procedure when converting new values in Rankine to get the corresponding result in degrees Celsius.

Formula of Converting Rankine to Celsius

T (°C) = [T(°R) – 491.67] x 5/9

The temperature in degrees Celsius is calculated by subtracting 459.67 from the temperature in Rankine and the result is multiplied by 5/9.

For example;

Convert 250 degrees Rankine to degrees Celsius


T (°C) = [ 250°R – 491.67] x 5/9

= -134.26111111 °C

The Rankine to Celsius conversion table is used to determine the conversion of common values from Rankine to degrees Celsius on a scale of 0°R to 1000°R.


Rankine is a temperature scale abbreviated as “°R”. It is used where heat computations are done using the Fahrenheit scale in the engineering systems.

Celsius is a temperature scale abbreviated as “°C”. It denotes the freezing point of water as 0° and the boiling point to be 100° under standard conditions.