Log Calculator

Logarithm Calculator


Anti-logarithm calculator


Log Calculator

The Logarithm calculator is used to calculate the exponent to which the base must be raised to determine the final result. For example 32 = 9 means that 2 is the exponent to which base 3 must be raised creating the answer as 9. The log calculator has a single text field and options of performing the calculation. In the first selection, you can determine the e notation, or the value of the base used in calculating the logarithm.

The first step of using the Log Calculator is to select the base in the options provided. It can either be 2, e or 10. Enter the value to the right of the ‘Log’ box. If you fail to choose any of the base numbers then the default will be selected as ‘e’. After filling the text field and choosing your options, click the ‘Calculate’ button. It is used to execute the conversion after the values have been entered in the text fields.

The log calculator also has the ‘Reset’ button which is used to clear the previous calculations from all the text fields or choices. It is the fastest way of resetting the calculator when you want to calculate new values. The results will be displayed at the bottom platform of the calculator below the two controls.

For example;
What is the logarithm of 24 to the base of 10?

Answer = 1.3802112417

To get the result, you will first select the base 10 in the options provided by the log calculator. Enter the value of logarithm in the next text field as 24 then click on the ‘Calculate’ button to give you the results. When by = x, the base b logarithm of a number x will be logbx = y. ‘

To calculate the Anti-logarithm you will enter the base ‘b’ and the logarithm value ‘y’ then click the ‘Calculate’ button. Unlike the Logarithm calculator, you will have to enter the value of the base manually. The result will be displayed below the two controls. When y = logbx then the anti-logarithm will be x = logb-1(y) = by

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