Power Factor Calculator

Power Factor Calculator

Select phase #:  
Enter real power in kilowatts: kW
Enter current in amps: A
Enter voltage in volts: V
Enter frequency in hertz: Hz
Power factor result:  
Apparent power: kVA
Reactive power: kVAR
Correction capacitor: μF

Power Factor Calculator

It is used to calculate the apparent power, power factor, correction capacitor's capacitance and the reactive power. You start by first selecting the phase which may be single or three phase.

You need to enter the real power in Kilowatts, current in amps, the voltage in volts and frequency in hertz. If you are using the three phase, then you will need to select the type of energy.

After all the values are entered in their required text fields, you can click the ‘Calculate' button which executed the computation.

Calculation of the single Phase Circuit

PF = \ Cos Ҩ\ = 1000 X P (kW) / (V (V) x I (A)), which is the calculation of the power factor

Apparent power is calculated by multiplying the voltage in volts by the current in amps divided by 1000.
\S (kVA)\ = V (V) x I (A) / 1000.

Q (kVAR) = √ (\S (kVA)\2) – P (kW) 2) is the formula for calculating the reactive power

The power factor correction capacitor's capacitance is computed by; C (F) = 1000 x Q (kVAR) / (2∏f (HZ) x V (V) 2)

Calculation of the Three Phase Circuit

Line to Line Voltage Calculation
The power factor is equal to the cos Ҩ and is computed by; PF = \Cos Ҩ\ = 1000 x P (kW) / (√3 x V L-L (V) x I (A)).

Calculating the reactive power;
Q (kVAR) = √ (\S (kVA)\ 2 – P (kW) 2)

Calculation of the apparent power;
\S (kVA)\ = √3 x V L-L (V) x I (A) / 1000

Calculation of the power factor correction capacitor's capacitance;
C (F) = 1000 x Q (kVAR) / (2∏f (HZ) x V L-L (V) 2)

Line to Neutral Voltage
Calculation of the power factor;
PF = \ Cos Ҩ\ = 1000 X P (kW) / (3 x V L-N (V) x I (A))

Calculation of reactive power;
Q (kVAR) = √ (\S (kVA)\ 2 – P (kW) 2)

Calculation of Apparent power;
\S (kVA)\ = 3 x V L-N (V) x I (A) / 1000

Calculation of the correction capacitor's capacitance;
C (F) = 1000 x Q (kVAR) / (3 x 2∏f (HZ) x V L-N (V) 2)

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