Celsius to Kelvin Conversion

Celsius to Kelvin conversion

Kelvin: K

Celsius to Kelvin Conversion

This is a calculator that converts degrees Celsius (°C) to Kelvins (K). The converter is divided into four sections, a blank text field, controls, results, and calculations. Use the blank text field to enter the temperature in degrees Celsius. The three active controls are used to perform independent functions of the calculator. The ‘Convert' button initiates the conversion from Celsius to Kelvin while the ‘Reset' button erases all previous data from the calculator.

If you have the values in Kelvin, you can convert them to degrees Celsius using the Kelvin to Celsius conversion calculator. The results in Kelvin will be displayed below the active controls in the third section of the calculator. The last segment will indicate the method used in executing the conversion.


Convert 35 degrees Celsius to Kelvin


First, enter the temperature as 35 in the blank text field. Click the ‘Convert' button to proceed to the next step. The results of the calculation will be highlighted in Kelvin below the active controls.


35°C + 273.15

= 308.15 K (Kelvins)

Formula of converting degrees Celsius to Kelvin

The Celsius to Kelvin conversion calculator uses a simple method in executing the conversions.

0 °C = 273.15 K is the standard for all conversions used by the calculator. Therefore, it means that zero degrees Celsius is equivalent to 273.15 degrees Kelvin.

T (K) = T (°C) + 273.15 is the method used by the converter in performing the calculations. It implies that the temperature in Kelvin is calculated by adding the temperature in degrees Celsius to 273.15.

Using the example above, it will be indicated as;

T (K) = 35 °C + 273.15 = 308.15 K

The Celsius to Kelvin conversion table indicates the fundamental conversions such as the boiling point of water, average body temperature, room temperature and freezing/melting point of water.