30 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit

Degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit are two common scales used to measure temperature.

30 degrees Celsius(°C)


86 degrees Fahrenheit(°F)

Degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit are two common scales used to measure temperature. Fahrenheit is mostly used in the United States for scientific calculations while the Celsius scale is mostly used by countries worldwide as part of the Metric system. Although the primary purpose of the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales is to measure temperature, they use different numbers to show a particular temperature reading.

Each scale starts with a different number and rises at different rates. For example, as water freezes, the temperature clicks at 0° Celsius while the Fahrenheit scale will start at 32°F. When making a comparison with the boiling point of water, the normal pressure in degrees Celsius is 100°C while Fahrenheit will read 212°F. These readings give a difference of 100 degrees apart in Celsius and 180 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.

To determine the conversion from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit;

180/100 can be simplified as 9/5 or shown in decimals as 1.8

The method used in converting 30 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit will be; multiply the temperature reading by 9/5 or alternatively by 1.8 and then add the result to 32.

Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter

30 °C = 86 °F

30 degrees Celsius(°C) = 86 degrees Fahrenheit(°F)


30°C = 86°F is the standard principle used in the conversion. Therefore, 30 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

T (°F) = T (°C) x 9/5 + 32 is the method for converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.

For example;

Convert 30 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit


T (°F) = 30 °C x 9/5 + 32

= 86 °F

Other methods that work

First, you will multiply the temperature reading in degrees Celsius by 2. Deduct 10% from the result and then add 32 to get the temperature reading in Fahrenheit.

Using the above example;

30 x2 = 60

Less 10% of 60 (6) = 54

54 + 32 = 86°F